About the Instructor
Monique Franz, senior editor of Kinsman Avenue Publishing, Inc., earned her MFA in Creative Writing from Wilkes University, where she won the Beverly Hiscox and Norris Church Mailer scholarship awards. Franz, a creative writer for page and stage, built the CAIPE Kids Playhouse in Murrieta, California in 2004. She later moved to Hong Kong, where she served as the Head Performing Arts Mentor at the International Academy of Film and Television. Her book publications include The Dove Training Series and Legacy of a Father; and as editor of Black Diaspora: Tales and Poems from the Sons and Daughters of Africa and the upcoming Native Voices: A Literary Collection of Emerging Indigenous Writers.
Monique Franz, MFA (Instructor & Writing Coach)
The Editor’s Workshop prepares authors and poets to advance their chances of placing as finalists and winners in upcoming writing contests and improves the quality of their work for submissions to any publication. In the course, students will become familiar with Kinsman Quarterly’s overall scoring system and receive a preliminary score along with tips on how to improve their individual pieces.